FP7 FLAG-ERA projekts “FuturICT 2.0 projekta otrā posma plaša mēroga eksperimenti un imitācijas” (FuturICT 2.0) (2017-2020)

RTU Cēsu filiāle un TU DITF Modelēšanas un imitācijas katedra FP7 FLAG-ERA projekta FuturICT2.0 ietvaros izsludina īstermiņa multi-disciplināru (STIMUL) projektu aktivitāti (3 līdz 9 mēneši) RTU studentiem un citiem interesentiem.

Problēmas apraksts

Pastāvīgs neapstrādātas informācijas apjomu pieaugums, jaunas un perspektīvas informācijas aktīvas pētniecības, apstrādes un vizualizācijas tehnoloģijas, sabiedrības demokratizācijas procesu paplašināšanās un prasības pēc lietotāja profesionālajai uztverei pielāgotas informācijas, kā arī dažādu sociālo slāņu iekļaušanās digitālajā zināšanu sabiedrībā rada konflikta situāciju, kad vairs nav iespējama kvalitatīva tehnoloģiju attīstība, nerespektējot sociālos faktorus, kas savukārt nav viennozīmīgi skaidri formulēti. Viena no pazīmēm ir kavēšanās ar Nākotnes Internet ieviešanu, kur joprojām nav vienprātības starp sociālajiem partneriem un inženierijas pārstāvjiem. Joprojām sabiedrībā pastāv būtiskas, bet pilnīgi nepamatotas atšķirības starp sociālo un tehnisko zinātņu pārstāvju viedokļiem par nākotnes informācijas tehnoloģiju attīstības virzieniem. Trūkst vienotas attīstības koncepcijas, kuru atbalstītu gan sociālās grupas, gan tehnisko zinātņu galvenie virzītājspēki. Pirmais FuturICT 1.0 projekta mēģinājums bija nesekmīgs, jo izveidotais konsorcijs, neraugoties uz ieinteresēto institūciju plašu atbalstu, bija nesabalansēts un tādēļ nespēja sagatavot atbalstāmu projekta pieteikumu. FuturICT 2.0 projekts ir pirmā posma turpinājums ar būtiski samazinātu dalībnieku skaitu, kura uzdevums ir izpētīt augstāk minēto problēmu risinājumu iespējas.


Apvienojot sociālo un tehnisko zinātņu nozaru krustpunktos strādājošus zinātniekus, izstrādāt vīziju un vienlaikus vadlīnijas ilgtspējīgai nākotnes informācijas tehnoloģiju attīstībai, respektējot izaicinājumus, ko rada sabiedrības ietekme, globāls un straujš datu pieaugums, mūsdienīgu un aktīvu pētniecības metožu un tehnoloģiju attīstība, kā arī arvien pieaugošā uzdevumu sarežģītība, kas pieprasa daudzveidīgu un darbietilpīgu risinājumu vienlaikus pielietojumu.

Galvenās aktivitātes

Darbu izpilde tiek īstenota, sadalot tos piecās darba paketēs, un konkrēti:
WP1: Kopīgi pārvaldītu projektu iniciēšana nākotnes iespējamo ICTSS pētniecības virzienu noteikšanai
WP2: Imitāciju modelēšana adaptīvas un daudzveidīgu ICTSS risinājumu pieņemšanai sagatavotas nākotnes sabiedrības veidošanai
WP3: Viņpus lieliem datu apjomiem (Big Data) un augsti intelektuālas pārvaldības (Superintelligence)
WP4: Ieinteresēto pušu sadarbība pilsoniskā sabiedrībā
WP5: Projekta pārvaldība

Kontaktpersona: Prof. Egils Ginters, egils.ginters@rtu.lv, tel: 371-29266909.

Iespējams pieteikties sekojošu 8 projektu darba grupās

1. System Dynamics Simulation Use in Sociotechnical Systems Acceptance and Sustainability Assessment (IASAM)

During the ages of digital society a social pressure initiates and affects a new technologies/projects every day: RFID implants, Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent vehicles, VR/AR applications, drones, neuromarketing etc. But which of technologies will be accepted by society and will have enough long life-cycle to be sustainable and valid for investments? This is the point of common interest of potential investors and also researchers. Systems dynamics simulation based on well known and approved technologies integrated reference trendline allows forecast potential sustainability of assessed project at any stage of it life-cycle.

2. Intermodal Bicycles Network as Efficient Kind of Urban Green Transport (VeloRouter)

Year by year applications of green transport becomes more actual: electro mobiles, hydrogen engines, pneumotechniques, drones etc. One of most popular and efficient solution are bicycles. However, what must be the map of routes to ensure the same time both, i.e. conformity to the cyclers needs and economic benefits for the municipality, because efficient net of routes must promote citizens moving from urban transport to bicycles. Application of agent based simulation methods allows predict occupancy of each separate route and the whole map giving possibility to biker for travel planning in appropriate time and weather conditions. On the other hand the municipality could get justified information which route must be built and arranged first.

3. Smart Phones Sustainability Assessment (Smart-Ph)

Smart phone is the result of converging mobile telephony and computer technologies i.e. computerized phone that the same time substitutes cell phone and computer. The smart phone usually can work in GPRS/3G/4G and Wi-Fi as well. Nowadays almost all representatives of digital generation use smart phones step by step immersing in virtual digital society and life. However the smart phones have one important drawback i.e. small screen which rises the problems for persons 45+. On the other hand that is clear that smart phones will continue triumphal procession among younger generation, but decision makers and investors usually does not belong to this generation. How it would affect smart phones sustainability in Europe? Which changes in this technology could emerge? What a transformations would be? The analysis of influencing factors using system dynamics simulation tools could give the answer on the question raised.

4. Innovations in Development of Green Energies – Way to the Rural Sustainability Enhancement (Green Reactor)

The rural segment is one that feature national identity because big cities are international and segregated of essence of the national country. Therefore the countries and nations are interested in saving of rural segment and their lifestyle. The volume and basket of the byproducts of rural manufacturing varied. It would be reasonable to recognize such products because some of them would be used repeatedly. One of the ways of repeatedly use are bioreactors which can produce the gas and heat as well. The processes in bioreactor can be specified by differential equations, however during the control some nonstandard processes could arise because reactor is very sensitive one for which the differential equations does not designed before. Using hybrid simulation tools based on agent approach and system dynamic is possible to elaborate successful and sustainable models for bioreactors control.

5. Virtual and Augmented Reality Use for Elder Professionals Skills Enhancement (AR-Elder)

Virtual and augmented reality tools step by step overcome the barrier of gaming and along with compatibility enhancement aiming to technologies of everyday use. One of applications is digital work or e-work. It means that VR/AR use contributes to the knowledge and skills of the person without previous training. For example, the person could receive/produce translation of other language in real time, recognize other persons gathering about them important information for on-line use, could receive instructions about attitude in different scenarios checked by simulation model. One of solutions is Google Glass which becomes popular despite of different barriers and continues it development. Old professor case development would be one of interesting applications for approving the new VR/AR technology sustainability.

6. Sociotechnical Impact of Digital and User Centered Logistics Introduction (Society Logistics)

Nowadays one of priorities of logistics is individual respecting of the customer. It means that competition among logistics providers becomes so high that providers cannot compete with the set of services but exactly customer can select and request the specific service which he would like to have. Winner will be logistics provider who can adapt to the requirements of the customer. Otherwise digital logistics means that customer can solve all the questions in digital form, perhaps, asynchronous and/or on-line without direct contact with logistics provider by phone. What influence such approach has on the logistics service development at all? What is the services influence on the society and which way the society influences the logistics changes? System dynamics simulation allows analysis of the scenarios and prediction of situation development.

7. Ethical Aspects of RFID Use (RFID Ethics)

The root of RFID technologies are arising around 50 years ago, but it is still perspective and innovative. Then radioactive materials were marked in laboratories to prevent it detachment. Further the technology was used for marked animals, timber, cottage cheese, cargo pallets and separate goods as well. However RFID develops with the problems despite of innovative and advanced character. The reason is different frequency diapasons used and incompatible equipment, emerging relatively high introduction costs. Nevertheless introduction speed of RFID increases, i.e. amount of marked goods growing, because the level of automation going up reducing necessity for human assistance, errors and total prime costs. From other side nowadays RFID tags are built in household appliances, RFID bioimplants use is growing, RFID microtags are involved even in ink structure, which respecting contactless distance reading arise the problems of privacy because promote tracing possibilities. Where the privacy of the person ends and society interests begin? Proportion between person human rights and society interests is important, and possibility for malicious RFID use must be limited. System dynamics use can allow of interactive sustainability models design and different scenarios exploring.

8. Supply Chains Digitalization for Food Safety Monitoring and Society Health’s Provision (Safe Chain)

Agriculture data center is the holder of unique data base set which involves information about all the herd and individual animals. This data allows trace all the cattle breeding products piece on the market. Regular milk control, epizootic situation measures, origin of the products, these are the factors influencing the health of the society. DEVS simulation application in supply chain scenarios documentation and quality recommendations elaboration can significantly influence the situation of society health therefore all the potential scenarios must be identified and played.